Sites are independent accounts that belong to the headquarter. These sites manage all activities themselves but can be viewed and partially managed by the headquarter. Certain access rights on Bomler allow this.

Click in the menu bar on Your Company

In the Overview you have to select your Company Role

If you have selected Headquarter, you will see Sites in the menu bar:

Click on Sites and afterwards on the green box that says:

You can now add one of your Sites by entering at least 3 letters:

If you have indicated the Site, you can add a personal note that will be sent to the Record Admin of the Site::

If your invitation is ready to be sent, click on:

Your Site has the following options: Allow or Deny


When the Site has clicked on Allow, it will be shown on the under the area where you have added the Site:

INFO: As long as the site has not accepted your invitation, the Status remains Pending or if not accepted Rejected.